Amazon/Walmart Nail Haul May 2013

Purchased a few things that I just received in the mail to take better care of my hands, and to get my nails growing strong. I am so excited to grow out my current little nubbins.

Amazon Nail Haul May 2013

I am really excited to try out all of these awesome products I got from Amazon:

Most stoked about Opi Nail Envy Nail Strengthener that everyone has been raving about. I have never been able to maintain long nails, mostly due to how unhealthy and weak they have always been. I am really hoping that with all the recent changes I have made in my nail care routine, they will be growing strong in no time.

Walmart Nail Haul May 2013

I also picked a few things from Walmart to try out a new idea I found online as a less drying alternative to 100% acetone for polish removal and clean-up:

  1. Glass mixing cup – acetone can only be mixed in certain types of plastic, or glass to be safe
  2. 100% pure acetone (Onyx) – this makes a huge difference in removal than your standard “acetone” nail polish remover. It is like a nail polish eraser! But it is also very drying 🙁
  3. Glycerin – was looking for 100% but I wasn’t able to find it anywhere, this worked just as well

Now I have a base nail care kit, so smitten right meow!

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